The Portfolio Website that I Created During My College Days is Still Dope

Built using jQuery, HTML, and CSS.


1 min read

The Portfolio Website that I Created During My College Days is Still Dope

Hey guys, hope you all are doing well during these unprecedented times. Talking about unprecedented times, I created my first sophisticated-looking portfolio website during my college days - around 3 years backs. I was reflecting back at it and I still find the design of the website relevant and amazing, but hey that's just me. Here are some of the screenshots of the website. Enjoy. (By the way, I built it using jQuery)

Home Page Home Page

Projects Section Projects Section

About Me Section About Me Section

Contact Section Contact Section

I made this after I'd complete my FreeCodeCamp (FCC) Frontend Dev Certificate (now it's legacy because of jQuery I guess). I wanted to test the powers that I had acquired from building the projects on FCC.

I just used HTML, CSS, and jQuery. The website supports the majority of screen sizes and I handled the different screen sizes using Media Queries in CSS. Let me know if you like it or not. And if you're interested in knowing more about, and using this template, you can go to the links below.

๐Ÿ—ƒ Repo | ๐Ÿ–ฅ Demo